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Products: Fog Horns: Geomar C-138 DB-D Air Fog Horn. 75-200m

General description

Geomar C-138-DB-D is an air horn ruggedly constructed to withstand the most severe
sea environment using the best seawater, non-corrosive materials. It has a heating
thermostatically controlled for navigation in polar areas and 2 electro valves for normal
and emergency operation.
Suitable for vessels with lengths between 75 and 200 meters



Design features  
Frequency and sound intensity:
Audible range:
According to IMO 1972 regulations
1,5 miles
160 cps
Console push button and manual pull
Wing push buttons optional.
Automatic generation:
Of sound signals by the signal controller
Audiotronic I / II.
Best seawater, non-corrosive materials:
Air horn:
Air consumption:
Diaphragm diameter:
Hose diameter:
Double electro valve:
Brass and stainless steel
With working pressure between 7 and 40 Kg / cm2
30 l/sec
125 mm
16 mm
Main and emergency
24V, 220V. 200W
24V, 220V
38 kg


Type approved by Det Norske Veritas (DNV)